Summer break has ended and the kids are back to school. Time sure flies...before we know it, it will be time to celebrate Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Well, let see, a little update...thanks to my hubby, the kids and I took a three week vacation to the Philippines during their summer break, so we can spend some time with my parents, who, after years of hard work, finally retired last December 2010. They decided to spend their retirement years back in the Philippines, and who can blame them...a dollar goes a long way there. Our time there was spent mostly visiting other family members, shopping, and of course, more shopping. My parents also took us to a beautiful water park resort, Villa Alfredo, located in the the Province of Pampanga. My dad is good friend of the owner, so as you can imagine, we were treated like royalty upon our arrival. Despite the rain, the kids still had a blast swimming.

On another exciting note...we just celebrated my Nanay (grandmother) Jessie's 90th Birthday! Our family decided to throw her a surprise party, and boy, was she surprised. She was so touched to see all of us gathered together just for her, that tears of joy flowed from her eyes. It was truly a blessing to be able to spend and celebrate her birthday. Happy 90th Birthday Nanay! We love you very much.
Oh by the way, did I also mention that I am scheduled to have another hand surgery this month? It will probably be a while before I can post again.
So that's the latest on what's happening in a nutshell! It's been a busy summer and we are looking forward to some really exciting things that are coming up through the rest of 2011! Until then, take care and God bless.
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