It has been six years...six painful years since I held my son Joshua for the first and last time. I often look back and to this day, I can still see it all so clearly...I can still feel the heartaches I felt of losing him. How I miss him so much!
Today, as Joshua celebrates his 6th birthday in heaven with our Lord and with my dad, I can only imagine how beautiful and glorious it must be. I am sure Joshua is thrilled that his Lolo Bert is finally with him so they can celebrate together. How I wish, if only in my dreams tonight, I could get a glimps of just how wonderful and happy they must be celebrating Joshua's 6th Heavenly Birthday! I imagine my dad, with his big deep voice, singing the birthday song to Josh, as the angels gather around and join him in chorus! I know Joshua's heart is full of joy, as he listens to his Lolo sing to him.
Forever and always, my heart will be full of grief of not having my son with me. Our family will never be complete until we are all reunited together in Heaven!
For now, I must be content with sending my love, my hugs, my kisses, and my birthday greetings to my son Joshua through letters to Heaven.
Happy 6th Heavenly Birthday Joshua!
We love you and miss you with all our hearts! Give your Lolo Bert a big hug and kiss from us and let him know how much we miss him too!
A Mother's Love (Author Unknown)
I didn't have to look into your eyes
to fall in love with you.
I didn't have to hear you cry
To know you loved me too.
I didn't need to hold your hand
To cherish you always
Within my womb, we shared our hearts.
You touched my soul.
You sweetened my spirit.
You gave me memories I'll always hold dear.
Yes my heart aches since you departed so soon.
But a mother's love does not end with death.
For you are my child.
Forever my love is yours.
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