Holding out these empty arms Cursing my disillusionment Why did I imagine it could be any other way that I could have been content, dreams that’s all it was, Mothers arms are not meant to be empty I look up at the sky, tears filling my eyes, Searching the stars trying to find my angel The brightest star I search for Finding it the first tear rolls down my cheek Memories flood back of our short time together Love totally encasing my heart as I look at that star I know you are there baby I will never forget I just can’t come to accept as I look that you are so far I would have cuddled and loved you kept you safe Within my arms holding you in a tight embrace I will search these skies for you each night But just for now have to leave you in Gods guiding light Sleep well my baby one day my arms and heart will be full again As I join you and give you all that was meant to be.
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